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How Martial Arts Prevent Bullying in Schools

Bullying in schools is a common problem in Australia and most western countries. The increase in the rates of bullying in schools can be attributed to poor socialization and the media. Children who are bullied perform poorly in school and suffer emotional and psychological damages. Consequently, schools have implemented different anti-bullying programs to try to curb the vice. Nevertheless, cases of bullying and incidents of extreme aggression in schools have continue to be reported.

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Balance an integral part in Martial Arts

Balance is an important part of any athleticism and martial arts. In everyday activities, the well-maintained balance has a major part in life. Achieving a good balance at an early age will give a child a healthy posture later in life. It will also help them avoid problems such as muscle weakness and breathing difficulties when they get older. There are many techniques available to maintain balance. While practising martial arts, your children will be able to improve not only the physical ability but also mental capacity which in turn directly affects their balance.

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Speed an important skill to learn

While practising martial arts with us, where children learn skills like strength, agility, focus, coordination and balance, there comes an another skill which is considered as of extreme importance and that is Speed. It affects most of the performance when in a combat situation. In order to get speed trained basic conditional requirement including flexibility, agility and strength should be met.

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Respect is the key value of martial arts

In martial arts respect is considered as one of the core values. From the very first day of our lesson, we focus on children mentality and teach them how to respect your parents, coaches, and teachers. During our training journey, the strength, courage, respect and positive attitude is taught to the children which is helpful throughout their lives.

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What is Resilience and its Characteristics?

Resilience is defined as a psychological ability or quality to cope up with adversity or attuned to the situation. Everyone is resilient. It’s just a question of how much and how well you are adaptive in your life. Being resilient doesn’t mean one has no problem or feel the intensity of the event. Instead, it just means that they’ve found a pretty good way of dealing with it more quickly than others.

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Focus in Martial Arts

Kansai Karate for kids aims to teach self-defence, but more importantly it teaches focus, responsibility and control. Focus is imperative in Kansai Karate, as it is in everyday life. Focus is directing all of your attention to one set task. It is being mindful and living in the present moment.

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Teaching Your Children Courage in Martial Arts

Courage is mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.

At Kansai Karate we teach children to know that it is not always enough to know the difference between right and wrong. We teach children to have the courage to always do the right thing.

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Integrity Building in Martial Arts

Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. Integrity means following your moral or ethical convictions and doing the right thing in all circumstances, even if no one is watching you. Having integrity means you are true to yourself and would do nothing that demeans or dishonours you.

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7 Ways How Martial Arts Develops Self-Discipline

At the heart of any successful person, is self-discipline. But self-discipline can be a difficult thing for children to conquer. It is defined as the act of disciplining or power to discipline one’s own feelings and desires, especially with the intention of improving oneself.

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How Martial Arts Will Improve Your Children’s Confidence

Martial Arts can help boost your children’s confidence in a number of different ways. Martial Arts is an holistic combination of the body, mind and spirit and effectively brings out students inner and outer strengths. It not only changes children physically but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Children will learn to feel calm inside and confident on the outside.

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How Martial Arts Will Build Endurance In Your Children

It’s true that Martial Arts can be challenging. It can take countless hours of training and commitment, with numerous challenges along the way in exacting skills and advancing through levels. Children will need to learn to see challenges as opportunities, as through these they will develop and progress.

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